Kelly Bandalos

I love colors—they tell stories of joy, sadness, love, and anger. Whether in people, things, or nature, I discover shades that often go unnoticed. My art aims to share these hidden colors, inviting people to see the world differently, like when you really look at a friend’s face during a conversation.  For me, color creates connection.

Faces, especially the eyes, fascinate me, but I also find figures in landscapes and the way petals fold on flowers. My sketches start in realism but venture into a world of movement, light, and shadow, where light is calm blue and shadows are deep blue or purple.

I’m always learning and trying different materials—watercolor, mixed media, glass, and more—to solve creative challenges. I want to be at ease in an art supply store, exploring without doubts, weaving figures or welding sculptures. My artistic journey keeps things simple yet always evolving.

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